Our Precious Members,

Today, Gulberenk was at Kucuk Camlica as the guest of Zerafet Education Consultancy and Culture Center. Gulberenk Values Education Association President, Educator and Author Neslihan Nur Turk conducted a musical values training, which was a huge organization, attended by a large number of educators and candidate educators.

The training, through which we shared beautiful moments with prevailing enthusiasm and joy, ended with big smiles on the faces of the interested participants. Mrs. Turk explained how rhythms and movements could cause effective and permanent learning with her to the point examples. She also emphasized the importance of rhythm and musical elements not only for the children but also for the education of young people and adults, and introduced audio sources that can be used in this regard.

We would like to thank the gracious officials of Zerafet, who have left us with the hope of being partner in many other upcoming charities. We also thank for their kindness and for their elegantly presented coffee very much reflecting their name!

Yorum Yap