Our Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association is against all kinds of activities aimed at injuring and destroying our national and spiritual values. In this context, last year, Turkey’s citizens in an amazed, grieving and sad way forcibly watched the immoral activity “Pride Parade” of homosexuals that is said to be repeated on the 26th of June.

In order to protect our values that make us “us”, you can notify your request to the Governor of Istanbul. We all need to do so in such a way that this and other activities should not be allowed in Ramadan or after it. Below is an example of a petition to give you opinion:

“To the Istanbul Governorship,
Allowing for the dishonorable and immoral activity of homosexuals called “Pride Parade” in Istanbul on 26 June 2016 means supporting moral degeneration against which women, men and children of our nation are confronted. Allowing such an activity means devaluation of our national and spiritual values. This kind of approach is too wrong and harmful to be ignored, and can not be evaluated in the area of tolerance and liberty as all this is against the values of humanity and Islamic. We strongly and respectfully demand that the Governors of Istanbul not to allow such a parade and do everything what is necessary as a response to the ones who think it is bravery to spread such ugly and corrupted thoughts of this mass. We respectfully announce this warning and hope urgent solutions”.

Turkish Republic Istanbul Governorship
Address: Ankara Avenue. 34110 Cagaloğlu
Tel: 0212 455 59 00
Fax: 0212 512 20 86

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