Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association left behind a Gulberenk Educational Children’s Program in cooperation with the Association of One Heart Association in Ankara.
In the program entitled “Ramadan and Fasting” Nasreddin Hodja, Karagoz and Hacivat made beautiful speeches.

The child intending to wait for the iftar, who had hard time for being so patient, gave us all a good time. The turtle and the butterfly warned the child in a nice way. They explained how he should be patient while fasting. And told him how virtuous it is to wait. Thus, the child, albeit difficult, reached the iftar.

Then the Clock said to him: “Allah sees us everywhere anytime. Therefore, behave the same even when you are alone like you behave in places where people see you. We should be careful even in places where we are alone. If you eat bread before your mother and father see you and you break your fast, and then pretend you are fasting, you think you are fooling them? Of course not, you fool yourself!”.

The songs in the program were beautiful again. Hundreds of interested and loving spectators who filled the entire hall listed the Islamic Charters and sang the Muslim Children songs.
The kid doing taekwondo said: “Fasting does not hold me back. In fact, I feel extremely strong and full of energy while fasting!”
We had already loved the short song of the Drummer Uncle:
Come Ramadan! You are welcome!
Ramadan has come with full hands and arms!
Ramadan has come to the houses!
Ramadan has given all of us joy!

To add some student comments from the adience in the program. Habil Talha said that he is seven years old, that he learned about fasting in this program and he liked Karagoz and Hacivat the most.

At the end of such an exuberant program, while we were singing the Gulberenk song, we had such sweet peace.
We then left with the prayers of being together again in the new program!

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