Dear Precious Members,

This month, Gulberenk took to the stage with “Sabriye Hatun Program”. Through this program, in which we learned about patience, various colourful characters joined us. It has been obvious that we have to complete a work we have started with full effort. To continue a work with perseverance, persistence, and determination can only be managed by the ones that are patient. We were all surprised when the bamboo tree told us that it did not take its head off the ground for five years, and suddenly it was already 27 meters at the end of those five years.

Karagoz had intended to buy a bike by selling the lost lamb, which was not even his own. Hacivat warned him saying, “You cannot sell a lamb that is not yours, and you can not spend that Money on something else.” Karagoz took this warning into account and waited in patience. He saved money by selling lemon and finally got a bicycle.

We laughed hardly at the impatient boy. He constantly disturbed his mom with, “My life is so boring!”, and forced his mother Sabriye’s patience. This child, who got quickly bored from every work he started, made everything metaphorically cry. He did not finish a job and made it laugh. However, Sabriye Hatun, patiently completed the work that came out as such a beautiful cover, and made us all admire her great work.

To learn patience; while doing a job, getting accustomed to the prayer, while traveling, while worshiping with patience all have been extremely important. While leaving the program with these thoughts, there was another happiness and peace in everyone’s heart this month.

We had been filled with joy and enthusiasm for the upcoming programs. We invite you all for the “Grandpa Ekrem” program next month. Bye for now!

Note: Those from Turkey and/ or abroad who want to be member of the Gulberenk Values Education Association can have access to more information from

With love…

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