Dear Guests!

Gulberenk started the 2017-2018 period with its Educational Children Programs! In our first program with the theme Starry Invitation we emphasized the importance of inviting one to Allah and doing good deeds. “Invitation” is closely related to “calling one”. We should call people to good deeds, integrity and beneficial activities. To go for such calls is beneficial for ourselves and everyone around us. For instance, there are invitations with no stars that call us for doing evil, wickedness, which we should avoid as Muslims. The best invitation is of course the azan that calls us five times a day to connect with Allah. It is a rule for all Muslims to keep to the call with the azan. If someone invites us to fasting, almsgiving, good deeds we had better care and when one hears the azan she/he should start praying instantly. Prayers are also invitations. Praying for goodness is a call for goodness itself, and vice versa brings evil. If one asks got for health, peace and tranquility from Allah, she/he will receive them. To imagine is also a version of inviting something. Whatever one imagines, Allah will create and present to him/her the imagined issue/thing. Therefore, we believe our Gülberenk children have beautiful and pure dreams with no tendency towards sins and wrong doings.

When we see the beauties of life that give us peace, our hearts and minds get comfortable. Eating healthy and being thankful, in short, doing everything the Qur’an and Sunnah asks us to do can be seen as starry invitations. And each Gulberenk child is a star for us who invites everyone to good deeds and lightens up every place she/he enters. This child on her right path with her/his light illuminates the way of the ones who lost theirs
In the meantime, we have very good news!

Gulberenk Programs started to take stage in Izmir on the last Sunday of every month! Now, our brothers and sisters living in Izmir will be able to enjoy these beautiful programs, and Gulberenk will be able to offer all of her starry parties full of stars.

We continue to work hard to spread our programs all over Turkey, and wish to become the bridge crossed by many of you and reach the stars.

We would like to thank everyone who embraced us with love and who took us to their prayers!

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