Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association organized a conference in collaboration with Grand Sycamore Foundation. The program entitled “Waste” was welcomed with the warm interest of the women of Pendik.

With educator and author Neslihan Nur TURK’s sincere expression participants were reminded that waste is a very common mistake that everyone should strongly avoid. On this occasion, Mrs. Turk warned everyone to check over and over again the house from the kitchen cabinets to the dressing rooms and from halls to the children’s rooms. This way we all should find out how wasteful we are.

The program, through which everyone got filled with ideas to get rid of a lot of waste and decided to make new arrangements in their lives, we think became influential for a new beginning for all the participants. As Gulberenk, we thank the valuable founders and employees of the Grand Sycamore Foundation and hope that our common values will continue to increase.

Yorum Yap