Dear Precious Members,

This month, Gulberenk’s addressed the issue “Sensitivity”. Sensitivity is to love something, we love ourselves too. Sensitivity is to give what you own to someone who needs it and so give it away without being asked for. Sensitivity means to share, help, show love and compassion, have mercy. That is, sensitivity means trying to understand someones’s condition. When one feels sad a sensitive person will share her/his sadness. A sensitive person’s reaction would be the same towards the crying and rejoiced ones.

For instance, remember how insensitive were the brothers who threw Hazrat Yusuf into the well! And remember, in response to what they had done, Hazrat Yusuf, who was saved from the well by someone, forgave his brothers and helped them a great deal.

This month we presented a many information about the rights of our neighbors. We learned that our neighbors have a variety of rights. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa salalalahu aleyhi vesellem said:
“It is never a true behaviour to disregard a neighbour who sleeps hungry while you are filled with food”. So we should be closely interested in our neighbors’ conditions. Thus, we should search who is living in your environment and never say, “I do not care”.

Thanks to his mother’s teaching him the hadiths, Keloglan, gave roses, which he raised himself, as gift to his neighbour. His neighbor was delighted when he saw the roses, and he appreciated Keloglan for this behavior. One thus realized that we should present our neighbor even from the roses we grow in our garden. As you see, a person is always in need of neighbor and vice versa.

We should not listen to loud music in our homes so as not to disturb our neighbors. We should not throw seed shells to the balcony or the yard of our neighbor living below. Otherwise, this would be interfering human rights! Here, friends, we see that sensitivity is such a thing…Oh, let us be among the peoples who are sensitive to their environment and let us treat our neighbors better insheallah!

Hope to meet you in another program next month, good bye for now! 🙂

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