Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs prepared in collaboration with Gulberenk and Golden Child, continue with great enthusiasm.
In our November program entitled, “I am Well-Mannered Because I Do My Prayers!”, we all thought together about tips of being well-mannered. Allah, as we know, has revealed that those who do their prayers will be protected from evil and indecency.

When eating one should not smack her/his mouth, one needs to eat less, wait for the older ones to start when they sit at the table. All this is a reference of decency. To be respectful to the elders, not to cut their words when they speak, not to raise your voice when you are around them. To be compassionate to our little ones, not to behave in a way that will hurt them. Again all this is decency!

What is more, a well-mannered Muslim does all the followings: Be good to animals, not to decimate the branches of plants, sitting while drinking water, finishing the water in three sips, wearing clothes that cover our bodies as the way Allah commanded, not to chew gum in social environments, avoid words and attitudes that probably would disturb the ones in an environment, keeping things and places clean, not leaving any mess and muddle around. Again all this is decency!

As you will understand, decency or good mannerism is a very broad concept, and we believe who do their prayers properly know what decency is and live accordingly. If one does her/his prayers, but does not reflect any decency, we believe those prayers probably would lack certain aspects. Educator young ladies this time came the whole way from Tekirdag and Ordu to observe Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs. Their goal is to learn technics of our programs and apply them in their own cities.

These sisters did also become jury in our “Weaving design competition”. They chose the most successful works among many other beautifully selected pieces of art. And good neeews! Gulberenk Songs are released now! For orders and information, you can call our Gulberenk phone number: 0544 807 88 79.

Hope to meet you again in a fresh new program. In the meantime, Gulberenk will not be idling. We will organize more great programs in Kocaeli, Rize and Nevsehir for children and adults. Why? Because the ones who do their prayers are always hardworking!

Yorum Yap