Valuable Visitors,

Gulberenk Values Education Association Founding President, Educator & Writer Neslihan Nur Turk, with the invitation of Ihya Education and Culture Foundation, was in Ankara for the Program called Understanding Education.

In two days, two hundred precious educators from Ankara and surrounding districts participated in the program, which took six hours in total.

The first day of the program, which was held at the Muradiye Nene Hatun Science High School Conference Hall, focused on effective methods in education and the traits of being an effective teacher. On the second day, the issues of the first day were reinforced with the songs.

The educators watched the principle of volunteerism in education, the ability to express the same subject in different ways.

They are eagerly awaiting a meeting with their students by gaining new awareness from a different horizon and combining them with their own contemplation.

After the full training program, Trainer & Author Neslihan Nur Turk signed her books and albums for the participating ladies.

We would like to thank the authorities of Ihya Education and Culture Foundation who
contributed to the organization, and wish to meet again and again in many times.

Yorum Yap