Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association is sensitive and feels responsibility for protecting and preserving our national and spiritual values. The 21st and 22nd episode of the Yunus Emre series on TRT1, which is broadcasted by TEKDEN, has included a problematic scene. There is a part at the end of the 1 hour 20th minute in which one of the characters is expected to narrate the shahada.

In relation to this scene our Association president educator and author Neslihan Nur TURK has delivered the following message to the related unit of TRT1. If there are those who feel the same discomfort with such circumstances, they can send similar messages to the following address and make a request for correction:

With confidence and gratefulness to your sensitivities.

The mentioned message is as follows:

Dear Sir / Madam,

We have watched the 21st and 22nd episodes of the Yunus Emre series, you added to your site. On the scene at the 1.20 min. there is the recitation of the shahada part, we have realized that the character only narrates the following, “Ashadu an la ilaha illa illa-ilah”. However, there is no continuation to the “muhammadan rasulullah”. This has saddened us deeply.

This scene, which suggests us that TEKDEN production and TRT have been contributing to the “non-Mohammedan Islam” tried to be spread by some hypocritical so called Muslim sects, is thoroughly not acceptable! As a Muslim, I urgently ask you to make the necessary corrections and explanations.

Educator and Author
Gulberenk Values Education Association President
Neslihan Nur TURK

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