Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association president, educator and author Neslihan Nur TURK, was invited as a guest to the Hudayi Girls Qur’an Course where she gave speeches to two different groups last week.

The first speech took place for the precious young ladies who came from the various provinces of Anatolia and were expected to serve in their cities or districts as educators. While the second talk was for young students studying at different universities. Both conferences inhabited deeply emotional and private sharings.

These precious young people, who we perceive as the architects of our future, made valuable contributions with their important questions asked to Mrs. Turk and they probably got answers that opened their horizons.

We would like to thank the Hudayi Girls Qur’an Course officials and especially educator Mrs. Kevser ATAR for organizing both programs in meticulous way, and we wish to be partners again in many other program in the near future!

Yorum Yap