Dear Precious Members,

Gulberenk Values Education Association held the last program of 2014-2015 season in August. Now, we will pass on to 2015- 2016 season. Very soon you may see the topics of the new season programs starting in September in the form of brochures on our website. As we walk into our sixth year, with feelings of joy, excitement and enthusiasm like its the first day, we are thankful to Allah!

We would like to thank all the precious people and institutions who have contributed to our work, especially for the five years we have left behind. And we especially thank our precious elders who have always supported and strengthened us with their prayers.

We will continue with full excitement and sincerity to spread our dear Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu aleyhi wa sallams holy messages in Istanbul, around Anatolia and even abroad through the educational children’s programs, conferences, concerts and musical values training lectures. This way we aim to reach a myriad people!
Hurray! Let us give you the good news about our children’s songs albums that we will offer to your service soon!

We would like to crown our 6th year anniversary and the release of our new albums with a comprehensive gala program. You can follow the necessary announcements in the following days on our website.
For now, goodbye! 🙂

Yorum Yap