Dear Precious Members,

The March program of Gulberenk was quite a joy. Gulberenk’s program entitled ““If It Eats Up Keep it Please” we all said, “If it eats from our faith, belief, and sincerity we will not have it!”.

Of course, we were not content with this instantly. During the program all contemplated on the issue. We realized that we had to get rid of all of the elements that were harmful to our health, that cause us to waste our time and tries to break our morality.

Our hijab fashion and social media eats up our minds and intellect. Unhealthy foods are eating from our health. However, Gulberenk children eat healthy food that do not eat from their health. A Gulberenk kid would not accept a fashion sense damaging the hijab and morality. A Gulberenk kid would not waste his/her time playing games on a tablet or computer, instead will do useful things.

Thus we ended up singing a beautiful song so that all of this could easily be kept in mind. We said through the song:
If it is against our present World and afterlife please keep it! If it is contrary to the Qur’anic verses we belief and sunnah if it is haram, if it is suspicious, keep it away from us! Keep it please! We will not have it! If it is eating from our faith and peacefulness please keep it! If it eats from our prayers and worship please keep it again, we will not have it!

As Zonguldak Gulberenk, we successfully completed a program and went to our homes with the prayers to meet in the “At Your Service!” Program.

Yorum Yap