‘Genel’ Kategorisi

Distinguished Guests, Gulberenk Educational Children’s Programs, which are being prepared by Gulberenk Values Education Association, continue to take stage in İzmir on the last Sunday of every month! And in the Ya Ya Sha Sha Program, we learned what it is like to talk less but do more. It seems that instead of gabbing, it  [ Read More ]

Valuable Visitors, The title of the event in November was “Be literate”. In this program, we have learned that we should read in the name of Allah who created the command of reading. Reading is not just to finish schools or get diplomas. The universe that our Allah created is a great book. It’s important  [ Read More ]

Valuable Visitors, We revealed the article that summarizes Gülberenk’s services in eleven articles. We are thankful to Gulberenk Arisi, who has crowned the official membership with voluntary work, and to our members whose number has exceeded two hundred, and thanks to all the beautiful people who have added strength to our power with their prayers  [ Read More ]

We are performing in Istanbul on the first Saturday-Sunday of every month, and we take the stage in Izmir and Zonguldak on the last Sunday of every month! “Be Literate Programs” is as follows; On Saturday, December 1 Hz. Osman Girls’ Qur’an Course Bagcilar/Istanbul On Sunday, December 2 Ilmi Arastırmalar Merkezi Kucuk Camlica/ Istanbul