Dear Precious Members, Gulberenk Values Education Association founder president, educator and author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Istanbul for the conference program with the invitation of Gulberenk Istanbul Bees. The conference program entitled “Initially Effort!” started the speech of Nisa-ul Aksa Association’s president Dilek Tekocak who gave information about the current status of the Masjid  [ Read More ]

Dear Precious Members, Founding President of Gulberenk Values Education Association, educator and author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Kutahya for the conference program with the invitation of the Golden Child Education Culture and Solidarity Association. The conference entitled “Nurturing With Tunes” was based on the place of music in education, music that is halal or  [ Read More ]

Program Title: Your Order is My Command!

Dear Precious Members, Founding President of Gulberenk Values Education Association, educator and author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Istanbul for the conference program with the invitation of “Our Heritage Association”. The program was held on the floor of the the association’s Fatih Headquarter’s Women’s Commission. Through the program Mrs. Turk mentioned about the case of  [ Read More ]

Dear Precious Members, Gulberenk Values Education Association Founding President, educator and Author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Istanbul for a contemplation concert program with the invitation of Fatih Girls Anatolian Imam Hatip High School. In the program, many subjects such as love, divine love and death were contemplated and valuable musical works were performed. The  [ Read More ]

Dear Precious Members, Gulberenk Values Education Association Founding President, educator and author Neslihan Nur Turk was in Balikesir for a conference program with the invitation of lovely Merve Doganci and Zinnure Yandi. The conference program entitled, “Initially Effort” Mrs. Turk mentioned about the current situation in the Masjid al-Aqsa and what could be done to  [ Read More ]

Dear Precious Members, Izmir Gulberenk in April was so great! In the program entitled “Your Order is My Command!”, we said that Allah commands the good and the evil commands the things vice versa. To order means instruction. The mother can order to her child, the teacher may command to her/his student, the manager orders  [ Read More ]