Dear Visitors,   When the clock showed 21:00, the Before Sleep Program took place again in the Gulberenk Children’s Group. Tonight, we repeated an issue we talked about in our previous program. We thought, thought, and thought why Allah created harmful animals … It turns out that Allah did not create anything in vain. Everything  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors,   In the Before Sleep Program tonight, we meditated on two very important words: “Right” and “Grace!”. “Right” is earned in exchange for a labor, for instance, when we go to the grocery store and buy an apple worth two liras by paying its money, the apple becomes our right because we have  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors; In the Before Sleep Program tonight, we listened to the sad story of a child with the Sad, Timid and Frightened Spoon!   One day, the boy saw Sad Spoon on the kitchen counter. He was surprised to see him in this state and the following conversation took place between them: -What happened  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, Our “From Line to The Heart” sessions continue to take place in our Friday Meetings Group and become a means of contemplation and (r)evolution. We started our lesson this week with a survey. We asked our participants whether they were aware of the services of Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association. We received positive responses  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors; Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association continues its Before Sleep Program with joy, hope and enthusiasm! The topic of our program tonight is: “Sleep”, a rest that our beloved Allah created for us. It turns out that there were three different times/types of sleep: Gailulah, Failulah and Qailulah! Gailulah: It is defined as the period  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, We thankfully organized the first Before Sleep Program of the week. We all listened to the following story: Once upon a time, there was a light pink play dough who was hanging out alone at times, and a yellow play dough who was quite the opposite. This yellow dough would always think the  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, This evening we were together again in the Before Sleep Program and contemplated the following: Sometimes people have to be separated from their loved ones, and this situation somehow could be difficult for them. But being away does not mean being separate. But, if the hearts, ideas, and paths are the same, then  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, The Before Sleep Program continues with all its excitement on the internet! Tonight we learned the following: One should meet with his/her neighbours and never cut off contact. One day, Gabriel (pbu), explained the neighbours rights in such a way that our beloved Prophet Hz. Mohammed Mustafa salallahu aleyhi wasallam expressed his astonishment  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, Tonight we realized the Before Sleep Program with joy and gratitude and we learned a myriad new things! It turns out that everything starts somewhere and ends. A notebook, pencil, an eraser… Sleep, food, bread… Reading the Qur’an, prayers, fasting, rituels… Songs, movies, books… Seasons, years, months, weeks, days… Hours, minutes, seconds… Actually  [ Read More ]

Dear Visitors, We carried out our lesson “From Line to Heart” as Gulberenk Values ​​Education Association on the internet with precious ladies, intending to devotion, contemplation and evolution for the sake of Allah. At the beginning of our lesson, we asked our participants why they were in the group. Many of them said that they  [ Read More ]